Premiered in an acousmonium in CNSMDP

¿A qué aspira este crujir?

Year of composition : 2022
Instrumentation : Acousmatic work
Diffused in the space Maurice-Fleuret

An invitation to explore the evolution of a very simple recorded material, transforming not only its morphologies but also decontextualizing it.

"¿A qué aspira este crujir?" is an electroacoustic piece based on the sonic exploration of an initial material. This material, with a crackling and trembling character, seemingly restricted, is continuously reconfigured, undergoing a series of metamorphoses that allow it to explore other musical dimensions hidden at first listen. It is within this initial material that the seed of the work is found. The gesture it contains, its granularity, and its spectral identity will serve as the foundation of the piece, enabling the exploration of increasingly distant paths while retaining the memory of those first seconds of listening. It is, in a very general sense, a microscopic listening experience that offers us the possibility of understanding the macroscopic side of the work.

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Crush (De)construction